Motley Crue Legend Reveals Truth About Keith Richards Using Heroin


Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx and manager Allen Kovac were recently interviewed by Forbes, and they discussed The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards’ heroin use being very influential, with the glamorization having an impact on the Crue themselves.

Rather than glamorizing events, they see it as a courageous and cautionary tale for #METOO times, “a time capsule” of a long-passed era of industry excess in all areas.

“In the 1960s, the Beatles and Jefferson Airplane glamorized acid,” says Kovac. “In the 1970s, Keith Richards was glamorizing heroin…”

Sixx chimes in: “And those were our heroes!”

Kovac continues: “Excess peaked in the 1980s. This film shows that you can really hurt yourself with drugs, you can break a band up, and you can hurt other people. It would not be an honest movie if you erased parts of the story.”

Motley Crue recently reunited to record new material for the soundtrack to their biopic, and Nikki Sixx hinted in a new tweet that the band could reunite again in 2021 in the studio for their 40th anniversary.

“I’ve always wanted to re-record our first song ‘Stick To Your Guns’ with @MotleyCrue. Always loved the music and the message. Maybe the guys would be up for it for our 40th anniversary?
‘Stick to your guns, what’s right for you ain’t right for everyone.'”

He later tweeted, “Click baiting is a real thing.”