Pearl Jam Member Feared He Was Playing Final Show Last Year


Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder was interviewed at the Innings Festival over the weekend by Ryan Dempster and Sean Casey, and he discussed Pearl Jam being forced to postpone a show in London last year, and how all of the medication he was on made him briefly fear he was playing his final show when the band finally got back onstage. Alternative Nation reporter Mike Mazzarone transcribed his comments.

“I was on lots of meds to get rid of what I had, steroids to take down the swelling and the whole deal. I had no appetite, I had only eaten two bowls of soup in three days. I was nervous going into the show, it’s a pretty big place. My stomach had that feeling of, you know, when you take the bad part of mushrooms or acid. My stomach is empty and it’s just very uncomfortable. This is what they tell me (laughter).

Then I look out and we’re getting through the gig pretty good, good crowd and then I see this giant Sean Casey [head] and I thought I was having a hallucinogenic experience and that it might be my last time on stage. Maybe it was like, the Scrooge and ghost of Sean Casey who was gonna take me through the last few hours of my life (laughter).”