Queens of the Stone Age Reveal Billy Corgan Was Wrong


Queens of the Stone Age guitarist Troy Van Leeuwen has told Guitar Player Magazine that he thought Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan was wrong with a major statement he made in the 90’s.

“I remember, it was like the mid-’90s or something, I remember Billy Corgan was saying, ‘Rock guitar is dead’ ’cause all this electronic music was coming out. And I was like, ‘I just don’t see it.’ The guitar is such a unique instrument, people like it because it’s, like, the way it’s tuned is so not intuitive to what a piano is or any other instrument.

And it’s so imperfect – there’s imperfections in the guitar that you can’t mimic with other instruments. I just never bought it. Even though I program drums all day long and I produce stuff – the new Gone Is Gone stuff is very electronic, but there’s guitar in everything.” Ultimate-Guitar transcribed Troy’s remarks.

Yinzerkitchen recently posted on Reddit, “Is WPC OK? I’ve been noticing that Billy has deleted his few IG posts (usually there’s about 3-4), and he hasn’t been doing Q and A’s in his stories. Not that it’s a big deal, but has he gone squirrelly again?

He is posting, but just random things. And not really self promoting a whole lot like he typically does. Last night was the Bowie performance and typically in Billy-ego fashion he would have posted 5857372 things about it in his stories, but there was nothing. I’m curious if all is well with him.”

Eddiebucket responded, “Usually when he goes dark on the socials for awhile it means a ton of work (I.e. Machina) is getting done. Hoping for some news soon on the Machina front.”