Red Hot Chili Peppers’ New Album Is Stadium Arcadium 2?


Red Hot Chili Peppers producer Rick Rubin has suggested the band’s John Frusciante reunion album recreates Stadium Arcadium’s sound.

“We’re finishing their new album right now actually,” Rubin revealed to Talk is Jericho. “Frusciante’s back in the band and it’s unbelievable.”I went to the first rehearsal, that I was invited to after John rejoined the band and it made me cry. It was so thrilling to see that group of people back together because they made such great music for so long together and it really hit me in an emotional way.”

“With the Peppers we talk about songs. They have really good habits in that they write lots of songs which is something I think we developed from the beginning – this idea of overwriting. If there’s going to be 12 songs on an album, they might write 50, they might write 100 to find those 12. They’ll play them for me in rehearsal and we’ll talk about them; about song’s strengths, weaknesses, how to make them better. What we can do. Where they work, where they don’t, and you try different stuff.

“I don’t necessarily have the way to fix them,” Rubin conceded, “But I notice where the weaknesses are and just say, ‘This part going into this part doesn’t sound so good, is there a better way to do it? Then they come up with a better way.”

“It’s great, and I hope you like the new stuff. I think if you like Stadium Arcadium, you might like this.”