Slash ‘Crazy’ Guns N’ Roses Reunion Phone Call Leaks


Popular radio host Eddie Trunk leaked the details of a phone call he had with Slash a few days before Guns N’ Roses announced their reunion three years ago. Trunk revealed the details of the call on his SiriusXM radio show, and Alternative Nation transcribed his comments.

“Do you know that the night, I’ve never told this story before. Slash and I are friends, everyone knows that, right? The craziness leading up to the Guns N’ Roses reunion, the hype, the speculation, on and on and on. Everyone saying it is happening any day, it is going to get announced soon, right? God’s honest truth, Slash called me personally, I’ve never told this before, I’ve never even talked to Slash about this, why he even did this, I got to ask him one of these days, this totally dawned on me.

Like a week before the whole thing got announced officially, Slash called me personally, which he normally doesn’t do, we usually text, but we talk here and there, but he called me, so I answered the phone, ‘What’s going on man?’ We’re making small talk, it’s kind of weird, like is he going to tell me that this thing is happening and to keep it quiet? Of course if he did, I would have. He says to me something to the effect of, ‘Yeah man, this whole Guns N’ Roses stuff is really crazy, huh?’ So he brought it up, so I went there.

I was just like, ‘Yeah man, it is. What is going on here Slash?’ He’s like, ‘I don’t know man, it’s just crazy out there, people get nuts and start saying stuff. I don’t know what the hell they’re all talking about, and it just gets really crazy.’ He was just kind of evasive, ‘I don’t know, it’s people being people or whatever.’ I remember I said this to him, ‘Listen, if there really is absolutely nothing to this, you should probably make a statement, because it’s all anyone is talking about right now.’ He’s like, ‘Yeah, I’ll think about it, it’s just the internet, and people going crazy with all of this hype and speculation. I don’t know anything.’ Like four days later, the Guns N’ Roses tour was officially announced!”