Slash Is Writing For New Guns N’ Roses Album


Slash says that “there’s no shortage of ideas” for a possible new GUNS N’ ROSES album. Speaking to Classic Rock magazine, the GUNS N’ ROSES guitarist, who will release a new album with his SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY AND THE CONSPIRATORS solo band next month, said: “When GUNS N’ ROSES started doing its thing on the ‘Not In This Lifetime’ tour, then the kind of writing I was doing was actually more tailored towards GUNS, because that was the environment I was in. But then we took the break and I started thinking about doing the CONSPIRATORS record.

“When it comes down to it, a riff is a riff,” he continued. “It could work in either context. But with THE CONSPIRATORS, anything I come up with, Myles Kennedy will come up with something — and that’s why it’s such a diverse record. With GUNS, you have no idea where that’s going to go either, so it’s really hard to focus on one or the other, but I feel like while I’m out with GUNS, I’m thinking about GUNS stuff. When I’m out with CONSPIRATORS, I’m thinking of CONSPIRATORS.

“I’ve been doing THE CONSPIRATORS for eight years now, so there’s a certain kind of rhythm that I’ve gotten into with doing that,” he added. “With GUNS, we’ve just started to touch the surface of what that’s going to all be, so I haven’t really fallen into that groove yet. Right now, there’s more of a question mark around that than with CONSPIRATORS.”

Asked if he’s started to write material for a new GUNS N’ ROSES album, Slash replied: “Well, it’s not been announced because there’s nothing official, so there’s nothing to talk about. I think everybody thinks it’s a good idea, and everybody would like to do it. There’s no shortage of ideas from everybody involved, but we’ve been so busy on the road there hasn’t really been time to go in and sit down and go, ‘Okay, we’re going to make a record.'”