Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo discussed listening to a demo tape last year which included Scott Weiland talking to the band while creating their Core songs in a new Kerrang interview.
“We were in the throes of making the new record while we were compiling the outtakes stuff for Core. Robert, Eric and I were broken up – we were a mess! I don’t know if you’ve heard it, but there’s a DVD that comes with the deluxe set [of Core] that has about nine songs in their demo form.
We demoed that entire record on a Fostex 8-track; and when we pulled up those tapes we could hear Scott talking, and us talking to each other. It took us right back to the room when we were writing that record, and we were reduced to tears because the guy who was such a huge part of this wasn’t here to enjoy this – or anything for that matter. It really fucked us up.”
He also discussed recording “Atlanta” with Scott Weiland.
“I can’t help but to think of when we cut that on that [STP’s fourth album, 1999’s] No.4 session, and how brilliant Scott was on it. We did two takes of that song, fully live, and that was a full performance of all of us in a room going for it. There are many nights playing that live now where I’m thinking about Scott, and it brings a tear to my eye.”