Tool Fans React To Maynard James Keenan Snub: ‘Kind Of A Dick Move’


A Tool fan named zgirres reported on Reddit that outside a recent show, he and two other fans were hoping to meet Maynard James Keenan, but he didn’t come over. He said that guitarist Adam Jones did, sharing a photo, calling him ‘the best.’

melechtric posted:

Doubt you’d have any success trying that with Maynard.

zgirres posted:

Nope, he saw us there and went to a different entrance

Coughingmakesmegag posted:

What a TOOL

diddimus posted:


stvrap79 posted:

Haha. How many of you are there? If there are only a few of you, that’s kind of a dick move of him, but something he totally would do.

zgirres posted:

Kinda a dick move. But hey, Maynard doesn’t owe us anything

nba_fuccboi posted:

Yea Maynard doesn’t owe the fans anything, just his entire career and the majority of his money is all…

BrolecopterPilot posted:

If anything, we owe Maynard. Everything.

zgirres posted:

When Maynard drove by there were three of us

growlerpower posted:

I’m loving all these youngster Tool fans. It would warm the heart if my heart hadn’t been permanently hardened from so many years of false promises and endless waiting on their godforsaken new album.

zgirres posted:

I was 5 the last time they released an album

Adam is the best! from r/ToolBand