Vicky Cornell Team ‘Censors’ Soundgarden Comments


Vicky Cornell’s team has run Soundgarden’s Instagram for awhile now, and they have generally avoided posting photos that prominently showcase other members, but they posted an 80’s Soundgarden lineup photo a few days ago with the caption, “Reminding you of all the days
When you collected hell to pay #ultramegaok #soundgarden #kimthayil #chriscornell #hiroyamamoto #mattcameron.”

The comments were actually open, and many fans took shots at Vicky Cornell over the lawsuits with Soundgarden. The comments were then censored. Some perceived the original post as a shot at Kim Thayil and Matt Cameron, especially with the caption, while others thought Soundgarden got their page back.

PJLucania posted on Reddit, “No. Their Motion for Preliminary Injunction regarding the social media accounts is set for May 7th. I think this is VC reacting to that motion, as if opening comments now will erase the fact that they’ve largely been closed for over a year.”

Drdrshsh said, “In the Chris Cornell Instagram stories she highlighted someone listening to a Soundgarden bootleg vinyl, if she actually knew this, she would probably go after them for enjoying something she wasn’t getting royalties for.”

PJLucania wrote, “That’s precisely why I checked to see if it had been posted before. Same photo and everything. Lazy, lazy.”

Soundgarden and Vicky Cornell have been in litigation for the last couple of years over the band’s social media, royalties, and unreleased final album.