Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil made a very special puppy feel like a king animal when he gave him some loud love with a kiss.
Motley Zoo Animal Rescue posted the following photos and message on Facebook yesterday:
What’s better than puppies and metal?! Nothing!!
We were fortunate to spend Saturday night with Slayer, Testament and Carcass who very much enjoyed hanging out and cuddling our puppies! There’s nothing better than tough guys showing their soft sides…
This was the second time we met Kerry King and Paul Bostaph, but this time we got to meet Tom Araya and Gary Holt as well. They are all huge fans of rescue and our mission, so they were happy to enjoy the puppy time. The guys from Testament were awesome too and we heard all about everyone’s animals they couldn’t wait to get home and see! This tour is almost over so they won’t have to wait long!
There was a special surprise when we Kim Thayil of Soundgarden came up to us backstage and asked to see the puppies! He and his wife were absolutely in love with them as well and they really enjoyed the whole concept and our mission.
It was a great night, and AWESOME show and we are so appreciative of the generosity of these guys and the crew! Thank you!! Thanks also to Niffer Calderwood Photography for the amazing shots smile emoticon
You might also note the last pic- Kerry King with a fresh bottle of Motley Zoo’s new vodka, Rescue on the Rocks, about to be released to your local grocery store and fav bars and restaurants!! Now you can party like a rock star and save lives too! Stay tuned for more on this smile emoticon
If you’re interested in adopting Slayer, please email us: info @ motleyzoo dot org.
Just so everyone knows, we are volunteer run and WE RELY ON DONATIONS from animal loving rockers like you!! If each of you sent just $1 for your view of this post, we’d almost have our entire annual budget covered!? YOU can save hundreds of animals NOW!
Please consider donating using the orange button on our site:!!!
We also accept Paypal:
and snail mail:
23316 NE Redmond Fall City Rd #522
Redmond, WA 98053
THANK YOU- rock on!!!
Jeff Aidie KISW 99.9 “The Rock” 1077 The End