What Stone Temple Pilots’ Dean DeLeo Won’t Admit To The Public


In an interview published yesterday on Guitar’s website, Richard Patrick, the frontman of Filter and Army of Anyone, revealed news about Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo that he thinks DeLeo himself would never admit concerning his sonic equipment:

“Dean DeLeo (Stone Temple Pilots, Army of Anyone) won’t admit this in public but I introduced him to using [Line 6] Amp Farm to replicate the vintage tone without using vintage equipment. When we went in to do the Army of Anyone record they had every old amplifier from the 60’s in the middle of the room facing out towards the walls. And then they had all the bass amps in a circle around the room facing in towards the middle and they had every amp mic’ed up – it was amazing but it was pretty over the top. But that’s just the way they record.

For example, Dean uses very little low end on his guitar because his brother Robert takes up so much of that frequency with his walking bass lines. So Dean uses a Stratocaster for that reason. And he uses the white Stratocaster Jimmy Page used on Physical Graffiti. He owns that guitar. It’s worth a couple hundred thousand dollars, its light, its delicate, it’s from the 50’s, and he plays it quite a bit. I’ve learned that sometimes you’ve got to abandon the rules and do something different to get that edge you’re looking for.”

Through the years of STP, there was a good chance you’d hear a Led Zeppelin song amongst their own biggest hits, usually “Dancing Days,” which they released as a studio track in 1995, but they also covered other Zeppelin tracks over the years.