Bono Brutally Unloads On U2 ‘Selling Out’


Over on the U2 Reddit, one user posted snippets from an interview in which opinioned band frontman Bono tackled the topic of the selling out. U2 singer Bono ‘painful emergency’ photo revealed.

Bono stated: “We did all the things that we would have done in promoting our first, or second or third albums. That’s really an important point that I want to get across to you. There’s this poverty of ambition, in terms of what rock people will do to promote their work. That’s a critical issue to me. The excitement of punk rock, in the Irish and UK scene when we were coming up, was seeing our favorite band on “Top of the Pops,” right next to the “enemy.” That would be exciting. We did talk shows, TV shows, back then. It was proof that you believed enough in what you did that you would go out and do this stuff. It was the same with the Beatles. The great moments of rock ‘n’ roll were never off in some corner of the music world, in a self-constructed ghetto. I don’t like that kind of thinking. I know some of it exists, and some of our best friends are part of it. It’s not for me.”

U2 singer Bono allegedly ‘grabbing’ young girl revealed. Continuing he stated: “Progressive rock was the enemy in 1976. And it still is. And it has many, many faces. This beast is lurking everywhere. It can describe itself as indie rock. It’s the same [blanking] thing. It’s misery. I have seen so many great minds struck down by it. … When you suggest we’re betraying ourselves by doing TV shows and promotional stuff.”

Bono also said: “Selling out is doing something you don’t really want to do for money. That’s what selling out is. We asked to be in the ad. We could see where rock music is, fighting for relevance next to hip-hop. And I love hip-hop. It’s the new black entrepreneur. It’s about being out there, loud and proud about what you’re doing. Selling it on the streetcorner if you have to. From penthouse to pavement. Advertising the new song in another song.”

Concluding the U2 singer put: “Meanwhile a bunch of white middle-class kids are practicing in daddy’s garage saying [adopts fake Midwestern whine], “No, man, that is just so uncool.” And, “Hey, Bert, get me a knife. I have to cut my ear off!” It’s the bleeding ear brigade. They try to find some viruses, interesting neuroses, or bad habits, to make their round washed faces look grubby enough to be taken seriously by the indie press. Hip-hop looks at this, and says, “What is this [expletive]?” U2 member ‘threatened’ at party, was Bono wasted?