Gene Simmons Reveals Why Paul Stanley ‘Lost His Voice’


In a new post on the Gene Simmons and KISS page over on Facebook, the KISS Aussie and Worldwide Collectors – member Phil Cass revealed how KISS frontman Paul Stanley lost his voice and couldn’t participate in a recent signature experience session for the Gene Simmons Vault. Gene Simmons recently revealed that a big-name rejected KISS tour.

In addition, news also broke that KISS will be playing a festival in the Barcelona area during the same time of the KISS Kruise in the Summer of 2020. Gene Simmons’ daughter disrespects dad in sad photo.

Cass wrote: ” The Aussie tour might have been canceled but Gene Simmons definitely delivered today for those few doing the Gene Simmons Vault. About fifteen people purchased vaults and a couple of others had paid for photo and signature experience. In the two hour experience Gene answered questions, Paul Stanley was sick and lost his voice. Gene and Doc [McGhee] both said they will be back. Gene spoke about the KISS Kruise out of Barcelona in August 2020 as KISS apparently is playing a festival in the area.”

In other news regarding KISS, various members of the KISS fan forum – discussed the upcoming “shark show” that the band will be playing in Australia and speculated what the event is going to entail.

Forum member Doose wrote: “I think part of Gene going down to Australia for the shark event is also to do some damage control with the Australian press over the tour cancellation. He’ll probably do a lot of interviews, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he announced 2020 dates while he was there.”

AndyKISS78 stated: ” It has been confirmed that it IS just Gene, Tommy and Eric. This was a contractual arrangement that they couldn’t get out of without it costing them a great deal.”

Gene Simmons massive KISS tour paycheck was newly revealed. Whereas PterCriss said: “TV shows, TV events, and films carry insurance for this sort of thing. They have contracts that cover everything. Just for Kiss to sign on the dotted line they get a non-refundable fee. And no they’re not on the hook millions of dollars if they no show. Airbnb has already received millions of dollars worth of free marketing from using the Kiss name and brand.  Kiss gets guaranteed money when they sign contracts. That’s how the big boys do it. They all also have insurance for live events.”