John Lennon Made Disturbing Threat Before Death


The official Twitter account for late The Beatles icon John Lennon tweeted out the following quote. The quote is taken from an old interview in which Lennon is talking about his mental state during a promotional tour of the 1965 movie Help! which starred each member of the band – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. John Lennon brutally called this surprising woman ‘fat’.  You can view the quote below.

‘Now I may be very positive – yes, yes – but I also go through deep depressions where I would like to jump out the window. It becomes easier to deal with as I get older; I don’t know whether you learn control or, when you grow up, you calm down a little.’

Freddie Mercury made this ‘closeted’ John Lennon remark. In other news regarding The Beatles, fans took to the official Facebook page regarding the Fab Four to answer the question posed by the band: “Have you ever learned anything by The Beatles” and the answers have certainly been interesting so far!

Icey replied: “I have. I have learned very much from their interviews and songs, at first I saw them as a mere boyband, and how mistaken I was. They showed how much passion they can put through their songs, making me believe everyone has a passion that should be pursue, even if they say I’m against the odds. Secondly, they taught me that not all bad things have to be bad, it can be good if you wanted to be. So yes, I did learn a lot from them.”

Lauri put: “They have been part of my life for 50 years so yes, I have learned more than I can name from the Beatles. Their music is intertwined throughout my life and has taught me to chill, continue to dream, love always and enjoy life to the fullest! Love my Beatles music, whether together or as separate artists!💕”

Myrna said: “Yes, on a linguistics level, English idiomatic expressions and because of them, fell in love with England, English current affairs, English history, and that of Great Britain as a whole. Their song lyrics were also learning tools. I also became a musician in part because of them. They influenced my whole life since childhood!!John Lennon bought this ridiculous car before his death.