Paul McCartney Wife Disturbing Photo Before Death Revealed


The Beatles icon Paul McCartney shared the following photo on his Instagram page. The photo is of him at a bonfire during an unspecific date, in which the picture was snapped by his late wife Linda. The two were married from 1969 until Linda’s untimely death from a battle with breast cancer in 1998. It can be viewed below. Paul McCartney recently made an ‘awful’ demand at a restaurant.

In other news regarding Paul McCartney and The Beatles, fans of the group debated who the “true frontman” of the group was – Paul McCartney or John Lennon, in a recent topic within The Beatles subreddit.

Fellow Reddit user Idreamofpikas wrote: “They were a group, there never was a leader during their recording career. John being the loudest, most charismatic and oldest till Ringo joined got his way more often than not, but they were still a group and he had to convince them to do what he wanted just like Paul had to ’66 onwards. No frontman or leader. Lemmy from Motorhead put it best “There weren’t any frontmen in the Beatles, really. The Beatles were frontmen. All four of them. That was the magic thing about them. There were no passengers. There was nobody you didn’t notice.”

A photo of Paul McCartney looking sad eating was also revealed recently.  Whereas A_Delicate_Genius put said: “Short answer: John He started the band. He asked Paul to join, Paul got George in, then they got Ringo. In 1969, when John said he was leaving the group, they knew it was over. In the early years, it was John who was coming up most of their material. He wrote most of the songs on With The Beatles and A Hard Day’s Night for example. It wasn’t until they stopped touring, and John got a bit lazy, that Paul started to take control. Paul had to start calling up the other Beatles to get them to record. He often had to wake up John when it was time to write.”

The user continued: “It seems like Revolver is the first album in which Paul’s songs really dominated, even though John still has some nice songs on there. and we all know Pepper is Paul’s baby. He wrote over half of the material. Lennon said he didn’t like making Pepper as felt like he was just making, “Songs to order” rather than “writing from the heart” like he usually does. And it’s well known by now how bossy Paul occasionally was in the later years.”

Paul McCartney’s daughter was filmed on a ‘date’ with Drew Barrymore last week. The user concluded: “There was no “frontman” of the Beatles but as far as leaders go, you could say John from 1962 – 1965 and Paul from 1966-1970.”