Robert Plant Awful Diagnosis From Doctor Revealed


Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant discussed a health scare during an interview with Dan Rather. Alternative Nation transcribed his comments. Plant revealed a disturbing health secret recently.

“I had a lot of trouble with my voice. I was in Australia once, I was in Melbourne. I remember we sold out some huge stadium. The stage was on wheels so if we had 10,000 people that was fine, but if it was 12,000 they could wheel the stage back with a tractor pulling in. As the day went on, more and more people arrived, and I couldn’t speak.

I went to a doctor and he hit me with some adrenaline and stuff. I turned several shades of different colors and slid down the wall, and I sang the gig. Now that’s the last thing a singer needs to do, the damage that you can do.”

Robert Plant revealed a terrible paycheck recently. Jimmy Page recently wrote on social media, “On this day in 1969, @LedZeppelin played at the Boston Tea Party. The venue host was Don Law, who had established what was to be known as a bastion of underground music.

It was during this run of concerts that we were to play a three and a half hour set – this became quite legendary on the musical grapevine – but the audience just wouldn’t let us go and Don Law was quite clearly a cool promoter.” A Robert Plant and Michael Jackson family photo was recently revealed.