Smashing Pumpkins’ D’arcy Claims Billy Corgan ‘Borrowed Money’ From Soundgarden Member


Original Smashing Pumpkins bassist D’arcy Wretzky claimed that Billy Corgan borrowed money from a Soundgarden member in the past. She left the comment in an Alternative Nation story about her text message conversations with Corgan.


Billy borrowed a LOT of $$$ from someone in the SoundGarden camp, as well as getting himself “in a financial hole” as he told me.

Keeping up that kind of jetset lifestyle is incredibly expensive.

James wouldn’t turn down that kind of $$$ –

– & didn’t. Neither did i-

-tho for different reasons-not that it made a difference… yet.”

Corgan and Soundgarden feuded in the press in the early 2010’s, with Corgan calling Soundgarden’s reunion a cash grab. It’s unclear if D’arcy’s comment is in reference to this, but Chris Cornell told ABC News Radio in 2012, “When Billy Corgan was completely broke, I got him a movie deal with [director] Cameron Crowe where he made $40,000. He was very happy about that, and he was specifically happy about the $40,000. So next time you see him, tell him he owes me my $40,000 back.”

D’arcy also responded to a reader named Anonymous501 on Alternative Nation. Anonymous501 commented, “Reading that, it sounds like Billy Corgan and the other members are trying to press forward, but they’re unsure of Darcy’s capabilities. I read a guy that really wants to make it work, but is stuck on a Variable. In reality they probably need to hash it out in person. Reading Corgan’s big long text’s and Darcy’s shorter replies, it reminds me of conversations I should of had in person (or over the phone) as its difficult to do in texting.”

D’arcy commented in response to this:

“1. r u serious?
2. maybe you didn’t see the text where he comes right out and says that he james jimmy & jeff need to do it right?

Notice how he says Maybe i can play a couple soungs &/or sing daydream? Maybe you didn’t read where i told him that my shoulder would be 100% fine? (which it is)

Maybe… you need to read it again?”