Tool May Anger Slipknot With Stunning Concert Ban


If Slipknot want to go to a Tool show, they’ll have to make sure their masks are off. A notice for an upcoming concert obviously mentions the photo ban, stating, “ANY CAMERA OR CELL PHONE TAKEN OUT FOR PHOTOGRAPHS OR VIDEO INSIDE THE ARENA BOWL WILL BE SUBJECT TO PATRON EJECTION.”

It later states, “No tactical gear will be allowed to be worn or displayed. No facial masks of any type will be permitted. Poster tubes will be prohibited in the venue.”

Corey Taylor has trolled fans about ‘Tortilla Man,’ but the new Slipknot member ‘revealed’ his identity in a video a few days ago. Despite the rules, a Tool fans seemed to have a great VIP experience in Cincinnatti. lebowski8286 posted on Reddit, “My wife and I did VIP in Cincinnati. It was one of the most amazing experiences hands down. I know not everyone has the same vip experience but here’s what we did that may have contributed to it.

We arrived at the venue around 1:20 pm and we’re about twentieth in line. We were let in the doors around 2:30 and Juan handed us our tickets ( sec 3 row A seats 1&2… right in front of Justin!! ) We then hit up the merchandise booth and headed right after to the sound check line. Getting in this line right away is very important if you want to be up in the first row for that. We had to wait awhile but then we heard Maynard through the curtains and he sounded perfect! After his set was finished, we were let into the arena and we got a spot right in front of Justin! We watched them do their sound check which was bad ass to witness.

After they finished, they walked down to us, fist bumping the front row. Everyone was star struck and weren’t really saying much. My wife took advantage of that and she got to converse with Justin and Danny. Justin even gave her his signature pick. After the group photo, we were escorted to the vip lounge which had an full service bar and plenty of food for everyone.

Once the show started, it was spectacular from start to finish. Overall, vip was absolutely worth it and we will definitely do it again given the opportunity.” Maynard James Keenan hilariously stole from a Tool bandmate a few days ago.