Audioslave Reveal Surprising Direction Of Next Chris Cornell Album


In the liner notes to the Chris Cornell career retrospective album, Tom Morello details what he envisioned a new Audioslave album with Chris Cornell would have sounded like as the followup to Revelations.

“On the Out of Exile record we continued the journey. ‘Be Yourself’ was the spiritual heir to ‘Like a Stone.’ Chris’ lyrics of yearning and self-acceptance resonating deeply. We then took the show on the road and ‘Doesn’t Remind Me’ blew the roof off every arena, every night…all the way to Cuba!

Audioslave was the first band from the United States to EVER play in Cuba. We single handedly demolished the rock n’ roll blockade against Cuba and what a thrill it was to pour every ounce of our Soul Power into the performance in front of 70,000 people in Havana. We toured the world and continued to evolve and grow as musicians and as a band.

In making the Revelations record, produced by Brendan O’Brien, we found yet another gear and delved into charted musical territory. The song ‘Revelations’ hits hard but has nuances of R&B and soul. ‘Shape Of Things To Come’ is a MONSTER and likely a shape of things to come had we continued as a band. But our time was up and we went our separate ways.”