Bandmate Claims Marilyn Manson ‘Complained’ To Guitarist Days Before Death


Former Marilyn Manson keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy (aka Pogo) paid tribute to his late bandmate and original guitarist Scott Mitchell Putesky, also known as Daisy Berkowitz, in a series of new Facebook comments, including the beautiful final photo he has of Putesky. You can see the photo at the end of the article.


A moment after he was laughing…It captures the strange emotion between happiness, sadness, confusion, and contentment…

As the smile fled his face…he looks into the lens…so differently perceived today than 10 days ago.

And yes…I am getting arty-farty…he digged that kinda Shit.

Still trying to make something worthy.

A dim torchiere behind him… barely enlightens the Dark Hall he must pass…

He has gone to that Land We Shall all go to, that none return to speak of…

I thought, he would be here for the next month at least, if not the next year, and it was only a week or so.

He kept his illness’ severity surprisingly Secret, including his own prognosis.

Very Noble, very Warrior, very decent and kind.

You have no idea how infuriating it is to know that Brian was complaining to him about his ankle, while saying that I know it’s not as bad as your cancer…

Scott Mitchell Putesky is the most uniquely creative guitar player I have ever known.

He brought a very artistic sensibility to everything he did sonically.

He was the most superb character mimic I’ve ever seen. Hilariously funny. Dry and witty.

Most importantly, he was a good man, and a good friend.

It’s not really my loss that bothers me most, it’s just that such a good talented person had to die so young.

Both [he and Brad] gone before the age of 50…40% of the band, 50% of the Spooky Kids…?

5 folks=100% of band…4 folks=100% of SK

Marilyn Manson himself wrote on Instagram about Daisy’s passing:

Scott Putesky and I made great music together. We had our differences over the years, but I will always remember the good times more.

Everyone should listen to “Man That You Fear” in his honor. That was our favorite.