Beautiful Chris Cornell Dream Gives Emotional Closure


Dreams are like our mind’s way of making movies to tell stories from our subconscious. Mine are often very, very bizarre. They freak me out.

A few years ago, I had a dream where my grandmother, who passed away a year before I was born, came and was talking to me. We were just catching up and I don’t remember much of the conversation, but at the end she said to me, “Okay, I have to go now.” I started crying and asked her not to leave yet because I wanted to get to know her more and spend time with her. Apparently, around that same time, my mom dreamt of her as well.

Can spirits visit us in our dreams? Can we talk to people we’ve never met before? I’m not quite sure. But after that, I was convinced it’s possible.

Going off of that, June 17th at around 6 in the morning I woke up and went online, obviously looking on my explore page for some fan posts of Chris Cornell. I saw a story on Alternative Nation where he talked about dreaming of Layne Staley. Shortly after, I fell back asleep.

I was with Lily Cornell, we were going to the hospital to visit Chris. He had just been found, but the hanging had not succeeded and he was still alive, though in critical condition. The context of the dream did not offer any insight as to how he had gotten to that point, like whether it was intentional or accidental or done by someone else, but it certainly didn’t seem like he had wanted it to happen.

When I got over to the room, Chris was wheeled over to the doorway. He sat up and smiled. He looked GREAT. Very happy. Surrounded by his family, loved, and certainly happy to still be alive. He said to me, “Oh hey, Lauryn!”

I was in shock.

“You know who I am?” “Yeah!”

Some of the other musicians who made posts after his passing were there too to make sure he was okay.

This dream was exactly a month since the night he passed away.

I’m not too much of a philosophical person, nor am I going to sit here and say Chris Cornell visited me in my dream when I’m one of millions of fans that he has, and especially one that he never met.

…but in a way it almost feels like because my mind has been so occupied with his death, that if that were the case, that if he really was visiting me, that it was his way of telling me that he’s okay now so that I would gain a little closure from it. So that I would be able to ease my mind a little and not continue to be so distraught.

And to be honest, I haven’t cried about him as much since then.

Thanks, Chris. Not sure if you did this, but it was certainly nice getting to see you.