Dave Grohl has shared the first proshot video of his “Show Me How To Live” performance with Audioslave at the 2019 Chris Cornell memorial show.
Planthousebuildtree posted on Reddit, “This is Dave Grohl (and his mom, Virginia)’s documentary series on Paramount+. Each episode revolves around a musician & their relationship w/ their mom throughout their life/career.
Episode 5 is about Tom Morello and his mom, Mary. Some Audioslave plays in the background throughout the episode and there is even a brief part where someone (pretty sure not Chris) is singing an Audioslave song (i think it was Doesn’t Remind Me).
But more notably is there are a few minutes backstage at the big Chris Cornell memorial concert in LA. It’s the 1st pro footage i can remember seeing from that show. There’s even the beginning of Show Me How To Live from the show.
I don’t think the episode ever goes into discussing Chris Cornell at all but thought some people may be interested in seeing the little bit of tribute concert footage.”
Lannah responded, “I’m very interested and have been wanting to watch Cradle to Stage. I’m definitely going to try watching this weekend. I’m a huge Dave Ghrol fan but Chris Cornell has been my very favorite musician since 1994. Thanks for the information.”