Dave Grohl Reveals Who Should Star In Kurt Cobain Biopic


In a Red Bull interview, Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl was asked about Courtney Love wanting to make a Kurt Cobain biopic. Who should play Dave Grohl?

“I guess Robert Rodriguez would be my favorite, just because he’s so cool, but I just don’t think it’s going to happen.”

He also discussed the “stripper pop” music scene in recent years.

“Pop music in America right now is so superficial. It’s fun to listen to, to turn up in your car when you’re in traffic, but there’s no substance at all. It’s devoid of any meaning. I’m not just saying that as a 45-year-old rock musician, I’m saying that as a human being. If the number one song is about your butt, that’s a problem. So when I heard “Royals” in the middle of all of these other songs, I thought, “Thank God! Someone’s singing something that actually has a little bit of something.”

He also discussed his daughters listening to Katy Perry.

“Her music is a real test in terms of loyalty toward your kids. But at the same time I can still make them listen to good stuff. I got my eldest two, Harper and Violet, a turntable and The Beatles box set. So they listen to Magical Mystery Tour and the White Album. Give a 6-year- old a turntable and all of the Beatles records and I guarantee that within one hour they will be doing what you did when you were 6 years old, too. Records on the floor, dancing, singing — it’s great.”