Eddie Van Halen Photo With Surprising Doctor Revealed


Eddie Van Halen was recently photographed with Dr. Todd Lanman in Beverly Hills, California. While there have been reports that Eddie is battling throat cancer, this likely wouldn’t be his doctor for that, as he is a spine surgeon. Eddie Van Halen’s wife revealed a disease scare last week.

“Great seeing ‪Eddie Van Halen‬ in my office yesterday. #movementislife #DrToddLanman #LanmanSpinalNeurosurgery #Spine #Spinal #Neuro #Doctor #Surgeon #Back #Doctors #artificialdiscreplacement #Neck #Fusion #Disc #DiscReplacement #Healing #physician #Surgery #beverlyhills #BackPain #artificialdisc #spinesurgery #NeckPain #NeckSurgery #BackPainRelief #DegenerativeDiscDisease #SpineHealth #EddieVanHalen #VanHalen #Rockstar.”

Lanman also wrote, “The human body is a collection of systems: groups of organs and tissues working together to help the entire body function. Now visualize the spine: a column of 33 bones; all stacked up one on top of the other, supported by a vast network of muscles that allows a fantastic range of motion.

The spine is a true marvel of our biology that gives us great flexibility as it supports the entire body. However, like any other complex system, it is also vulnerable to disease and disorder. The worst thing we can do to our spine is NOT EXERCISE. A sedentary lifestyle brings harm to the spine just like any other disease.

Regular exercise helps in three ways: ONE – It’ll improve control over your muscles and increase body core strength. TWO – your bones will be stronger thanks to what you’re doing with your muscles, but you bone health improves as well. And THREE – exercise strengthens the connective tissues that bring stability to the whole system.”

Eddie Van Halen was disrespected by a famous director last week. The doctor said as well, “Can you replace older artificial discs with newer ones? The short answer is, ‘Yes.’ I perform this kind of procedure quite a bit. It all depends on the surgical technique of the previous procedure. We are concerned with how much bone was removed for the previous disc and the condition of the vertebrae. However, this procedure is relatively standard.” Howard Stern reacted to rumors that Van Halen have a new singer earlier this week.