Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder’s 13 favorite albums were revealed in a new article, though it’s unclear exactly when the interview was conducted as it seems a bit from the past. Vedder revealed a stunning Michael Jackson secret last month.
Vedder said about Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5’s Third Album, “This is the first real memory I have of any music that stayed with me. I was living on the wrong side of the tracks in Evanston, Illinois, in a home for boys. We had these Jackson 5 records. I really related to their voices–they were about my age, but they were doing it. It was like, ‘Get up girl, sit down. I’ll show you what I can do!’ And you would do it. Whatever you say, Michael.”
Eddie Vedder’s wife reacted to a crazy Scott Stapp and Creed claim a couple of days ago. Vedder said about the Pixies, “The Pixies were huge for me. Frank Black, or Black Francis, as he was called at the time, had this voice–he just let it loose. He’d let it rip, and weird shit would happen. It seemed not so much rebellious, but just free in the way he could just make sounds like ‘aie! aie! aie!’ and still get his point across. He was liberating himself with his voice.” Far Out Magazine have the full list.
In other Pearl Jam news, popular fansite PearlJamOnline are reporting that the band are finally back in the studio working on their new album, the 11th of their career. With the 6-year wait, the record has started to become the next Tool Fear Inoculum and Guns N’ Roses Chinese Democracy.