Famous Pop Star Reveals How Nine Inch Nails Helped Him Lose Virginity


Pop singer, DJ, and producer Mark Ronson released a new Instagram video where he discussed losing his virginity with the help of a Nine Inch Nails performance. You can watch the video below.

Ronson said, “I lost my virginity in 1991 after a Nine Inch Nails concert.”

“They played this song on that night.”

He then played “Something I Can Never Have.”

Mark Ronson has ties to the rock world, as he produced Queens of the Stone Age’s Villains album last year.

Ronson was brought in after Josh Homme worked with him on Lady Gaga’s album Joanne.

“I felt our combination was odd on paper and would demand that you have an open mind,” he told Newsbeat (via BBC).

“Some people would have some preconceived notion that would be incorrect.”

“But after working with Ronson on the Lady Gaga record I saw how much excitement and energy was coming from being a fan.”

“How excited he was of the music he is working on and how much he threw himself into the music and that is what I like to do.”

Mark Ronson is indeed a big fan of QOTSA, which made it harder for him to keep quiet on this project, which was a big secret.

“It is my favourite band,” Mark explains, “So you are like ‘I don’t want to mess this up’.

“I bumped into some friends of mine who are big fans too, I kind of let it slip and they were like ‘yeah I am real happy for you, you better not mess this up’.”

He admits it was strange to be giving his opinion to a band that he has been shaped by musically.

“I am so influenced harmonically, melodically and rhythmically by this band and you are feeding this back to a band that you have learnt so much from.”

Industrial Classics for Piano vol I @nineinchnails “something I can never have”

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