At a recent Foo Fighters show, Taylor Hawkins had a hilarious moment when he pulled down his Van Halen themed shorts onstage. Fortunately for Hawkins and the fans, he had on pants underneath. Watch video below.
Foo Fighters banned some hilarious items from their recent Wrigley Field shows in Seattle.
most rock bands and performers, the Foo Fighters want to make sure certain items don’t make it into any of the venues they play- for safety reasons, of course- and their recent concert at Wrigley Field was no exception.
While the expected weapons, bottles, coolers are all there, the entertainers known for being a bit quirky also have some funny things on list.
It includes:
– Derogatory press clippings of Shania Twain
– Beige or mustard colored macrame wall hangings
– Leg warmers
– Free radicals (including anti-oxidants or Hong Kong Phooey) (healthy foods + 1970s cartoon character)
– Any pencil that isn’t a number two pencil
– Homemade nut milks
“Believe me,” Dave Grohl said in a recent Chicago Tribune interview about the Wrigley Field shows, “I wake up every day and can’t believe this is my job. And the fact that I get to do it with people I actually love in places like Wrigley Field?” His voice trails off, and suddenly, for a rare moment, the liveliest and most caffeinated dude in rock music is at a loss for words. Calling this summer morning from Los Angeles, where he’s just dropped off his children at camp, Grohl continues. “It’s not lost on me, dude,” the Foo Fighters frontman says of a multidecade career in which he bounced back from the devastating 1994 death of his Nirvana bandmate, Kurt Cobain, formed the Foos the following year, released a platinum-selling debut album, and now, more than 20 years on, finds himself headlining stadiums. “We all feel so incredibly lucky.”