Howard Stern recently aired a vacation episode featuring an interview with Dave Matthews, who revealed that Mick Jagger has a teleprompter onstage for The Rolling Stones shows. Ronnie Wood shared a photo of Jagger showing off his backside a few days ago. recapped: Howard remembered seeing him do a song with the Stones. Dave told Howard about doing a song with Mick after he was asked by Mick to go do it. He said he was going out on stage to perform this song and Mick has a teleprompter to remind him of the lyrics. He said they were going to have one for him too. Dave said he went out Mick did his first verse and then he went to do his. He said he could see out the side of his face and the words were going past over to the side.
He said his teleprompter had Memory Hotel with nothing else. He said it was like he had never uttered word. He said that he just made up words instead. He said Mick just went along with it. He said Keith would come into it and do his bit too. He said then he’d get to his verse and just make stuff up. He said he was in Holland where they don’t speak English. Dave said the next day he went in to say something. He said he just asked Mick if he got nay of the words right. He said Mick said ”No I don’t think so.” He said he played the song in the dressing room and they redid it there. He said that he wanted to make sure he had the words and it was amazing.
Howard, who played a gross John Lennon widow segment recently, asked if it felt weird being up there with him. Dave said it was great. He said before he sat in with them they opened up for them. He said in Holland they didn’t know much about them yet. He said someone had rolled up the Rolling Stones flag around their neck and kept pretending to hang themselves while they were playing. Dave said it was such a great thing. He said it was so funny and he liked it. He said the guy was so animated doing it. He said people weren’t mad about it. He said the guy was covering his ears too. He said that was the only person he saw out there. Dave said that everyone can be having a fit of joy and if one person is texting or something then he’s fucked. Howard said you don’t want to see someone hanging himself with a Stones flag. He said he doesn’t want to be hassled.
Howard said he’s done so well that he went from being a fan of Dylan and the Stones to performing with them. He said he doesn’t get to hang with them though. Dave said that would have to be a different situation. Howard asked if he can play with Keith at all. Dave said they’re not sitting around jamming or anything. He said he feels like Charlie Watts is the kind of guy who would do that. He said he gets the feeling he’d rather be playing jazz though. Dave said they are all good people though. Howard said he loves that video of him singing with Mick. He said he likes that he just stood there and didn’t dance around. Howard said Mick was almost treating him like a hot chick. Slash’s girlfriend made an embarrassing Mick Jagger claim a few weeks ago.