The Howard Stern Show played a classic segment this week about The Beatles icon Paul McCartney. Paul McCartney recently revealed how a big name stole from John Lennon. recapped: Howard said he was watching the Paul McCartney interview on the app. He said that was really good. He said Paul invited him to his concert on Friday night. He didn’t go. He said he had some shit going on. He said Gary went. He said he somehow got invited. He said he thinks Gary gets the invite when he doesn’t.
Howard read about some of the people who were at the concert and Gary was there. He said that Jon Bon Jovi and Amy Schumer were there. Howard said that Gary’s wife was there and saw Amy’s husband and said he’s very good looking.
Howard said he was watching 60 Minutes and they did a story about cloning. He said that this guy set up a business to clone a horse that was really good at racing. He said that when you do that you essentially get the same, exact horse. He said the guy is invincible now. Robin said she was wondering about that. Howard said that you get into the ethical question about cloning people. He said he knows wealthy people are thinking about doing it to harvest body parts. Howard said he was wondering what’s with Hollywood because they should clone Brad Pitt. Robin said they do the virtual stuff instead. Howard said that’s no good. He said you take a Pam Anderson or a George Clooney and clone them.
Howard said he would have to clone Fred because he needs someone to do the sound effects if he dies. He said he could go on another 25 years.
Howard said they should give them another George Clooney. Robin said there are kids who are even better looking than their parents. Howard said sometimes it works but sometimes good looking people have ugly kids. He said they can’t take that chance.
Gary said Paul did Blackbird 3 times. He said he screwed it up twice and started it over.
Howard said he would have trouble standing through a concert that long. He said he’s too old. Gary said it was an hour and 40 minutes long. Howard said he couldn’t stand that long.