Freddie Mercury Rejected Surprising Name For Bad Reason


Queen guitarist Brian May has shared 1970 notes from Roger Taylor where it’s revealed why they and Freddie Mercury rejected Mike Gross from continuing as Queen’s bassist. Brian May recently made a stunning revelation about Freddie Mercury dying of AIDS and money.

“Great posts on @rogertaylorofficial – from Rog’s 1970 diary. See what we might have called our new band ? Swipe to see what happened next ! 💥💥💥💥 FYI – I.C. is Imperial College – where I was studying for my PHD. I used to book a lecture theatre in the ‘Mech Eng’ building for us to rehearse. It was Mike Gross – our original bass player – who came over to ‘run over the numbers’ – ie familiarise himself with our songs. It didn’t really work out with Mike – our styles didn’t match. So we went in search of a bass player, and eventually found .. a young Electronics undergraduate named … John Deacon ! Bri”

May also wrote about the upcoming Queen and Adam Lambert tour.

“Rehearsal Land … a complete replica of the way things will be on tour. Sooooo tempting to leak something … the excitement here is palpable. But no ! All shall be revealed in 10 days time when we open in Vancouver. Yay ! Bri.”

“Waiting for my dragonfly. This gives me peace. But only for a moment. Today is Day 2 of Production Rehearsals. Obviously it would be foolish to give details away, but our new set is the most STUPENDOUS rig I have ever seen. It was a tough decision to break up the set we toured with last year -definitely the greatest production we’d ever put together. But it was the right decision. This transformational rig will blow your minds – I promise ! And, with a few new twists, the music shouldn’t be too bad either !!! Bri.”