Pearl Jam Rumored North American Tour Debut Revealed


Pearl Jam are reportedly planning a North American tour in 2020 after a rumored first show leaked, with multiple stadiums rumored to be getting shows like in 2018, though the full extent of the tour and list of venues has yet to fully surface.

pawlowski1097 said the band could make their debut at a major stadium, “From a philly source: Baseball park shows, Citizens Bank Park getting min of 1 show.”

Lerxst1992 posted, “If they play ballparks and fans travel like 2018 and charge roughly $120 for tickets, most of the money traveling fans spend goes to hotels and airlines. But not to Pearl Jam. I dont understand this business model.

If they play more arenas/sheds and charge a premium for the smaller venue experience, it is more likely fans will not need to spend the majority of money on hotels and airlines.

That way, most of the money goes where it belongs, to the band.

They would need to change another common tactic. When the album comes out give fans an idea of what countries and states they expect to hit over the new album tour cycle (say 75 shows over 3 or 4 years).

That’s how Elton did his Goodbye tour. (he is doing a TON of shows over 4 years 😉 )

That way we wouldn’t be scrambling for expensive airline and hotels and most of our money would go to PJ. Just charge us what its worth to see them in an arena. As usual, I must be missing something.” Pearl Jam and Courtney Love recently reacted to a tragic death.

CW55354 wrote, “At least at the ballparks, virtually every 10club member that wanted a ticket got one, excluding the few that wanted GA only. Opting not to go to a stadium is still your option. Putting in for multiple shows and getting shutout sucks. In a lot of smaller venues, it seems Pearl Jam is losing the fight to guarantee us the best seats. With the ballparks, they can offer a ton more to us.” Pearl Jam are rumored to have planned to release their new album in November at one point.