A popular thread on the Queens of the Stone Age Reddit page is criticizing Josh Homme’s performance during QOTSA’s recent show in Milan. It drew comparisons to the band’s show in Madison, Wisconsin, which was also very poorly reviewed. Other fans mentioned though that other shows on the current tour have been very strong, including a show in Budapest, Hungary.
Peter94 posted:
Yesterday evening in Milan, Josh was quite drunk on the stage. At a certain point he offered tequila to people in front line (nice one ahah). A bodyguard told me he was drinking all day. They’ve played only 1h and 15 min instead of 1h 45 min. They came up on stage 20 minutes later i think because he was too drunk. Nevertheless the show was fuckin’ amazing. The new formation is outstanding: Jon Teodore is a non stop four handed human machine and Shuman’s bass was powerful and well balanced.
petihegyi posted:
Seen them in Budapest, Hungary. Josh said he was high on mushrooms multiple times. They played 2 fricking hours, and boy, the setlist was AMAZING. Best night of my life.
killsaposwayin posted:
Was at the show in milan: they’re a live machine .
But just that, a machine (and cutting the show short, too). That’s what they’ve become for me: I didn’t feel any emotion, pure “ let’s play a boring set list, put on a nice show and get the fuck outta here: they already had their Offspring to dance to anyway”
Same was in Bologna last November, but slightly better.
As they say: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Without nick (and joey) they lost their punk edge, josh is out of the rails (especially vocally), the band is as tight as clerks in an office.
And as in Bologna the audience was filled with fuckin pickpocketers and violent people in the pit. What have we become.
HGpennypacker posted:
Coming from the Madison, WI show…I know that feel.
It left such a bad taste in my mouth. First time seeing one of my favorite bands and I left…meh. What I did hear I loved but it just seemed off, like a reunion tour of a band that never broke up. I don’t want to compare bands and shows but I saw Foo Fighters in Madison a few months prior and it was the complete opposite; played for hours, rocked hard, and total professionals. No drunken interludes, no staggering around, just showed up and laid it down for the entire show. I don’t know if there is a fine like in the middle there but if Queens ever does come back to town I’m for sure showing up and I hope Josh does as well.
Drunk Josh from r/qotsa