The Beatles icon Ringo Starr saw a post on Facebook about John Lennon, that he made no bones about, Eric Alper is reporting (though it could be a meme). A screenshot of Ringo’s Facebook post seemed to unearth some deep resentment – But did it really? When questioned, “Which Beatle are you?”, a description of John was there. John was described as having the mind of a rebel, the heart of a lover, and the soul of a prophet. John Lennon ‘moaning’ before dying was just revealed.
Facebook is full of polls that ask questions, screen after screen, and give you a conclusion. This was one of those polls. It looks like Ringo took the poll, and it said that he was most like John compared to all the other members of the band! That pretty much shows how accurate some online polls can be.
After seeing his result, Ringo responded, ” Well, this is Bulls**t”.
Sure, Ringo’s old band mate was quoted joking about his drumming ability. John was quoted with this famous barb at Ringo, “Ringo wasn’t the best drummer in the world… Let’s face it, he wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles”. People argue about that statement, whether it was real, whether it was fake, or whether it was just a joke.
John was known to have a sharp wit, and he later admitted in this 1980 Playboy magazine interview, “Ringo is a damn good drummer. He is not technically good, but I think Ringo’s drumming is underrated the same way Paul’s bass playing is underrated.” It seems most likely that John had respect for Ringo, and if he described Ringo this way, he was kidding around.
So, was there more something behind Ringo’s “Bulls**t” response to the online poll about which Beatle are you? Not likely. That would be pretty much the same as Mick Jagger being told that he was more like Keith Richards than Mick Jagger. But it would have been pretty funny for Ringo to sit down and take this quiz, and find out in the end that he was more like John than Ringo!
So after Ringo took the quiz out for a test drive and learned which Beatle he was most similar to, he called Bulls**t!
That time Ringo Starr made history on Facebook.
— Eric Alper 🎧 (@ThatEricAlper) February 13, 2020