Robert Plant Brutally Rejected Led Zeppelin Reunion Drummer


Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant revealed during a recent edition of his Digging Deep podcast that former Genesis frontman Phil Collins played on an album together with him in the past, 1983’s The Principle of Moments, but Plant go on to reject him for a song in favor of another drummer. However, Phil Collins would end up drumming at the 1985 Led Zeppelin’s reunion show at Live Aid. Plant recently revealed a sad Led Zeppelin breakup secret. Alternative Nation transcribed Plant’s comments:

Plant:  I needed a drummer that could kick ass and because Phil Collins had a solo career that had just taken off, I think it was face value. We were put together by this guy Phil [Carson] over at Atlantic Records who was kind of the Senior Vice President outside of America for Armate. Phil said:

“I built more or less everything that I do so much on the influence on John Bonham, and I would like to play on your record.”

To which I replied:

“Well, you can’t play on this track, because Cozy Powell’s playing on it.”

Plant: Cozy we knew pretty well from those days and Cozy was a good guy. precocious, confident and like John [Bonham] you could hear him yelling when he was playing, the sheer joy of actually pulling something off that probably shouldn’t have been possible, as far as a drum fill went. So, Cozy played on this track and on a track called “Slow Dancer” and then Phil [Collins] played on the rest of the album.

Phil Collins would go on to play on the next album too. So this is great because it’s a piece that is pretty dramatic, beautiful playing by everyone. In a way, to me, it felt like even though, obviously, we couldn’t get John [Bonham] back, and it wasn’t the case of replacing him or getting another Bonham. Instead, it was just basically taking the idiom into somewhere pretty powerful, beautiful with Robbie Blunt’s playing and the way it cascades as a piece of music – it’s just great.

Keith Richards and Mick Jagger savagely turning down Led Zeppelin was revealed in a new interview.