Robert Plant Makes Stunning Teen Revelation


Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant revealed that Bob Dylan ‘woke him up’ as a teen in a new interview. He also credited Dylan for keeping him playing music into his 70’s. Robert Plant made a bold death prediction yesterday.

“I respect and admire him, not only for waking me up as a kid, a teenager, but also for the fact that he takes such joy in re-entering his own adventures from a different angle. He works more than I do, I think,” he said.

Robert Plant was recently photographed with Michael Jackson’s family. Plant said Dylan told him to continue to tour and play live as long as he can when they were both playing in Spain.

“‘Did you know there are 46 bullfighting rings in Spain that you can play?’” Dylan asked Plant. “‘You gotta keep going.’ Play, and let the music take you to fine people and introduce you to the underbelly of all these areas’ cultures.”

Jimmy Page recently revealed who ruined the Led Zeppelin reunion. Jimmy Page recently discussed playing with The Firm, “On this day in 1985, I played in Stockholm with The Firm. After the ARMS tour, Paul Rodgers and I decided to make some music together. The Firm recorded an album and here we are on the first date of what was to be a substantial tour of Europe and the Americas. We were really looking forward to this gig.

The band was good, the material was good, the audience was good. There is no doubt that there is a Swedish aesthetic and when you looked out into the audience – it was inspiring to say the least!”

Robert Plant made his Bob Dylan remarks in an Ottawa Citizen interview.