Mia Tyler, the daughter of Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler took to social media via Instagram to showcase her two-year-old son Axton’s Halloween costume. Although Halloween has come and gone we just have to gush at the cuteness! As Axton, dressed as a robot walks the streets of the city with his mother Mia and friend. Steven Tyler recently made out with this girl in shocking elevator photo.
Mia said the following about the occurrence, writing on Instagram: “Update: The AXBOT 3000 turned into the NOBOT. He refused to wear his robot costume but stayed in his silver one-piece till he pooped it and became a grumpy pumpkin. The MVP award goes out to my sister who is full of baby and manned the scary fairy playhouse as a beautiful butterfly with this momble bee. See what I did there! Still had so much fun.”
A Steven Tyler ‘in the closet’ claim revealed by this woman. Verified makeup tutorial account michelleclarkmakeup commented: “Incredible job Mama! That Robot costume is rad as fuck. And you look perfect in your bee costume.”
Susieq1014 said: “The costume is awesome. Sometimes kids just won’t cooperate. You’re a wonderful mama for putting in all of that work and being so chill about it.”
Idratherbwithdogs wrote: “Yeah but you know what, one day a much bigger Axton is gonna look back from pictures of this Halloween and think my mom sat down and made me a costume. I was so loved.”
This Aerosmith icon dropped the following transgender bombshell recently. Rockstertim replied: “We have all been there. Cherish the moments. Before you know it they will want to go with friends, not with mom and dad anymore. This is the first year for me, I am sad. 17, 15, 12. All to cool to trick or treat now.”