Stone Temple Pilots Singer Candidate Talks Band Liking Him, Then Not Hearing Back


TJ Divers opened up about auditioning for Stone Temple Pilots in a new post on the forums.

I was contacted by STP’s management, told the guys really liked my submission tracks and was asked to provide more material, which I did. Its been a while now and I haven’t heard back, so I’m guessing they didn’t dig my other work. I’m just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience?

Here are the two tracks I first submitted alongside the STP songs.

Stone Temple Pilots bassist Robert DeLeo is currently on tour with Hollywood Vampires, which includes Johnny Depp, Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Matt Sorum.

Longtime Alternative Nation reader Nicholas e-mailed us last month and said that he ran into Stone Temple Pilots drummer Eric Kretz when he was drumming with Late Night with Seth Meyers’ house band.

“I actually bumped into Eric in the city when he was doing that Late Night thing. He said the singer search was going really slow and he didn’t appear to be at all enthusiastic about it getting done any time soon.”

Dean and Robert DeLeo discussed Stone Temple Pilots’ singer search in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, revealing that they have not yet found a new frontman and are still auditioning.

“We’ve all been kind of doing different things, but as far as Stone Temple Pilots is concerned, we’ve been neck-deep in the process of auditioning different singers,” Dean said.

Asked if the band was looking for another high-profile frontman or an unknown, Dean said, “We’re looking for somebody that fills a lot of criteria. Man, woman. There’s a couple of people we really dig and we have some more coming in.”

Robert said, “Look, we’re not trying to replace, it’s impossible to replace Scott, it really is. We created something that only the four of us could create, moreso it’s about moving forward, but it’s also about honoring that, and being able to get their creativity around that.”

He added, “I enjoy still playing the songs that Dean and I wrote, I want to continue playing those songs. I think people still want to hear those songs, and that’s what we want to do.”

“Eric, Dean and I have something – we’ve been playing music half our lives and you can’t just dismiss that. It’s something that I appreciate and I cherish in my life and I want to continue doing that.”

Stone Temple Pilots recently shot down ex-Creed frontman Scott Stapp as a new singer candidate when he hinted at getting the gig in an interview.