U2 Member Makes Painful Rehab Announcement


U2 bassist Adam Clayton discussed how his depression and addiction became the catalyst for him checking into counseling and getting treatment in a new Absolute Radio’s Time To Listen interview. This U2 member recently revealed what John Lennon did to ‘virgins’. As Clayton told the host of the show:

“Eventually that low-level depression becomes a full depression and you find it difficult to fight it. The hair of the dog. And for me I had to face that I had addiction issues and I had to eventually roll over, put my hands up and go into counseling and go into treatment and do all the things you get advised to do for addition – whether it be alcohol, whether it be cutting, whether it be food addiction, drug addiction, whatever it is. And I learnt a new way of living and I haven’t looked back ever since.”

In other U2 news, fans on the group’s subreddit discussed the possibility of an Achtung Baby 30th anniversary box set. Bono partying with Matthew McConaghey was recently revealed.

ResistWeMuch commented: “Despite the glut of material available from those sessions, I just don’t see it happening — we already got the Super Deluxe and Uber Deluxe; we got so much with that box set from 2011 (Kindergarten remixes, lots of unreleased tracks and b-sides, etc), that I don’t think it would be anything other than a re-issue with maybe a few bonus tracks. Maybe we’ll see a Zoo TV release with recordings from other shows.”

TheNeptunianSloth wrote: “I mean the Über deluxe edition was pretty damn comprehensive, I don’t really know what they’d put in a 30th anniversary set that’s not already in that one. You know what they should do for the 30th anniversary in a couple of years? A one-off performance of the entire Achtung Baby and Zooropa albums, which would then be released on video. The reason I’m saying Zooropa also is just because a) it’s amazing and underrated, b) they included that whole album in the über/super deluxe set already because of the two albums’ connection, so why not, and c) they have to fill the rest of the setlist somehow right? They really should have done that eight years ago, but we’ll take what we can get.” Bono made a disturbing drug revelation earlier this week.