AC/DC and Axl Rose performed “Touch Too Much” for the first time live in Prague last night. The last, and only other time, the track was performed live in concert was on December 14, 1979 in Nice, France.
AC/DC drummer Chris Slade recently talked to fans on Facebook about Brian Johnson’s exit from the band, and if the band plan to continue past the conclusion of the ‘Rock or Bust’ tour. Axl Rose has already stated that he has interest in continuing to front AC/DC if the band will have him.
When a fan sad it is ‘sad’ that Johnson can no longer play with the band, Slade agreed. “Yes it is, we all miss him.”
When a fan criticized AC/DC for finishing the tour without Johnson, Slade said Johnson simply couldn’t do it. “You are forgetting that Brian cannot do this, his health problems will not allow it.”
He also said AC/DC will continue beyond this tour, the first definitive news on AC/DC’s future without Brian Johnson. “Angus is definitely NOT thinking of retiring.”
He also discussed looking forward to Axl Rose being able to perform without his throne. “We all lòok forward to Axl not requiring the chair anymore. Shouldn’t be too long now.”
“It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the band in this form. Of course, everyone would like it to be Brian up there but unfortunately, due to his health problems, this is not possible. Axl is doing a wonderful job and the majority opinion now is that the band were right to finish the Rock or Bust tour with him. Fans have the opportunity to go to the shows or not, it is entirely their choice or indeed their loss”
Angus Young’s nephew Ross Malcolm Young also recently posted on Facebook, “People who say AC/DC died they’re more alive than you think.”
He also demanded someone mocking Rose should show him respect, “You need to give Axl respect.”