Watch Marilyn Manson Forget Lyrics To “Disposable Teens”


Last week in Atlanta, Marilyn Manson had some trouble remembering the lyrics to his hit “Disposable Teens.” Manson sung, “I wanna thank you mahh… Rainbow. Or whatever. If you don’t the put it. Whatever. Whatever. Know what a rainbow. Whatever.”

A fan wrote on Reddit, “I was there. I’m not sure if I’m mad or not. On one hand he didn’t sing/try any of the songs, but on the other hand I’ve never witnessed a train wreck like that first hand.” The fan added, “His whole show was a train wreck. At one point he stopped to talk to a person in the audience about how he sucked a dick once, but it didn’t count since it was soft.”

Another fan said that Manson rebounded with a strong show in West Palm Beach. “This definitely seemed like an off night. He sounded much better last night in West Palm Beach.”