Watch Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder React To ‘Alive Saved My Life’ Sign


A few days ago at Pearl Jam’s show in Greenville, South Carolina, a fan held up a sign that said ‘Alive Saved My Life.’ Eddie Vedder noticed the sign and went into the crowd and shared an emotional embrace with the fan. Watch below!

Sea posted the following on

Pearl Jam
Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Greenville, SC
April 16, 2016
Set List

Walk On Music: It Happened Today-R.E.M
Band Onstage 08:34
Band Offstage 11:38

01. Corduroy
Vs album in order
02. Go
03. Animal
04. Daughter
05. Glorified G
06. Dissident
07. W.M.A
08. Blood
09. Rearviewmirror
10. Rats
11. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
12. Leash (Ed takes a wireless mic into the audience)
13. Indifference

14. Mind Your Manners
15. Swallowed Whole
16. Sirens
(Ed gives a shout out to Gene Berger at Horizon Records on their 40th anniversary and thanks Mike McCready for buying the guys in the band a whole bunch of vinyl on this record store day.)
17. Let The Records Play
18. Spin The Black Circle
19. Do The Evolution (sings “These LGBT ain’t got nothing on Me”)

Encore Break One

(Ed gives a shout out monitor to engineer Karrie Keyes. He then spots a young girl in the third row on her father’s shoulders. He asks the girl her name. He has her repeat it a few times and says “I stand in front of Matt Cameron all night so I can’t hear a god damn thing….I can’t hear a fucking’ thing. And neither will you after tonight. Say hello to Magda everybody.
He dedicates Future Days to Evan who has no sign of the cancer he was diagnosed with a couple of years ago)

20. Future Days
(Mike starts to play “Given To Fly” but Ed has other plans. While the band switch instruments Ed asks the audience if they know who played this venue first? “You are right, Janet Jackson. Or Miss Jackson if I’m nasty. So no disrespect to Miss Jackson but WE were the first band! We’re back!”)
21. Nothingman
22. Given To Fly
(Ed sees a sign requesting ‘Inside Job’ to remember the Virginia Tech shooting. Ed says they haven’t practiced that song but the next song might apply as well. He expresses disbelief that shootings keep happening and people are still fighting to keep guns so readily available. He wishes that people could move on from small matters like what bathroom a person should use and start taking care of each other. “Life is short and the earth is fragile, this we know..” He essentially pleas for love and respect for all people and for everyone to focus on bigger issues and help and take care of each other)

23. Present Tense

(This song was very important to me growing up. I think the first few times I listened to it I was on mushrooms so I took a few just now…no, no I am responsible. Let’s play it. This song is like jumping off a cliff.)

24. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters) {Ed plays Piano on Boom’s riser}
25. Lightning Bolt
26. Porch

Encore Break Two

(Ed thanks the audience for being so good. He spots another young girl and says “is this your first concert? Shaka. You really should see Janet Jackson, she is great but you got this one under your belt now. Ed talks about working with Matt Cameron and said, “someone told me that it was twenty five years ago today for Temple Of The Dog. He explains that he heard a song on a jukebox. Learned it quickly then he and Matt played it at a club.)

27. Last Kiss-(Cochran) {played to audience behind the stage. Mike climbs some seats to get close enough to the audience to let them touch his guitar and after the song he hands out a bunch of picks.}
28. Breath
29. Comatose
30. Better Man/Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling)
31. Alive (Ed goes into the audience and hugs a guy holding a sign that says “Alive Saved My Life”. Meanwhile Mike goes over the barricade and solos amidst the fans.)
32. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend)
33. Yellow Ledbetter

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Thanks John for the set list & notes.