Corey Taylor Reveals ‘The End’ For Slipknot In Statement


Corey Taylor confirmed that 2019 is a wrap for Slipknot, with no surprise shows planned. He tweeted a couple of days ago, “2019 touring is a wrap for Slipknot. Get ready, 2020. We’re coming for ya! #WANYK.”

Wolfxskin posted on Reddit about Slipknot’s setlists, “Why hasn’t the band played anything besides Solway & Unsainted yet in their sets yet? The album has been out for over four months!”

TheVirusOfLife said, “I think the setlist will change for the UK/Europe tour in January 2020. Jim mentioned in a video about adding spiders, so hopefully more songs are added to the set soon.”

The new Slipknot member was just filmed suffering a bad fall onstage. Dskovron wrote, “WHAT? Do you have a link / know where I can find that video? I want nothing more than a live performance of Spiders.”

FaviousM chimed in, “It’s this vid Couldn’t tell you exactly where in it, it’s when he’s talking about a particular guitar he’d use for it… It’s an interesting video anyway, well worth watching the whole thing.” TheVirusOfLife commented, “Time stamp is 22:20-23:10 for the mention of spiders.”

Corey Taylor’s wife Alicia Dove recently said, “There’s a quote I read a while ago that behind every strong and successful woman is an entire TRIBE of strong and successful women who have her back.

I don’t always feel like I’m those things, but these women pictured are just a few of the MANY who push me to keep going (you know who you are- some of you I didn’t get a photo with, some of you are scattered about the globe! grrr!). I don’t know where I’d be without the powerful lionesses in my circle. Some I haven’t seen in years – but you’re still in my heart. Thank you for your strength!
I hope you all have a strong circle of fearlessness and love around you, no matter the source.” Corey Taylor revealed when Slipknot will breakup last month.