Slipknot‘s newest member Torillla Man might not be greasy but he certainly is slippery. As this newly uncovered footage shows from a recent Slipknot gig, the newest Slipknot member has no issues whatsoever making the stage his own personal playground and slip n’ slide. You can view the mysterious Torillia Man gliding across the stage below. This Slipknot family was devastated by another brutal death.
In other news regarding Slipknot, fans of the group recently went to the band’s subreddit to discuss the legacy of My Plague (+ New Abuse Mix), the fourth track off of the band’s landmark ‘Iowa’ album.
Ciilk said: “Before I got into heavier music, this song was the perfect kind of metal for me. For a while, this and Left Behind were 2 of my favorite songs. I’ve always really liked the chorus. I’ve never been a fan of the New Abuse Mix. It sounds like a demo. They really toned it down for radio and they took out the best part of the song, the whole “Kill you, **** you, I will never be you” section. Corey Taylor recently revealed when Slipknot will breakup.
PentexRX8 replied: “Such an awesome song, and even the mix is good in its own right. I think that the mix was just a version with fewer curse words so they could add it to the Resident Evil soundtrack. I saw that movie in theaters specifically because Slipknot had a song in it. Both the song and the movie still hold up.”
Whereas Chainsaw443 put: “The abuse mix is horrible. It’s on the 10th anniversary of Iowa cd and they cut out the ogled, ridiculed verse, 90% of the screaming and 100% of the cursing. It was an unsuccessful attempt to get My Plague popularized on the radio, due it being on the Resident Evil soundtrack, and to give Slipknot some more accessibility but that didn’t happen until Vol.3.” Corey Taylor revealed this stunning Ozzy Osbourne demand not too long ago.