Eddie Van Halen Bandmate Reveals Sad Funeral Demand


Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth may not be getting along great right now, but Roth revealed on ‘The Roth Show’ that there is a fan who has requested that the band reunite to play “Hot For Teacher” at his funeral. Alternative Nation’s transcribed Roth’s comments about the power of Van Halen’s music. Roth is set to kick off a Las Vegas residency in January. An Eddie Van Halen comeback show photo was revealed yesterday.

“People have picked up this music and they take it to a religious sort of fervor. I know people who have gotten married and decided to have families to this music. I know people listening to this music who decided to join the marines. I know some people who are big fans of this music and joined the marines and didn’t come back.

I know a guy who has requested that we played ‘Hot For Teacher’ as they lower the box. Literally, it’s in print. You’ve got to take that seriously. When I walk by, small children stop crying, young house pets inexplicably obey your every command, women feel desirable, and all men see me as a brother. That’s the result of the music. That’s Friday, that’s not even Saturday. Saturday is the dance contest.”

Eddie Van Halen being disrespected by a famous director after cancer rumors was detailed a few days ago. Roth also discussed buying his first record, “The first record I ever bought was Major Lance doing (sings um um um). That was the actual title. You had to go to the [record store] and sing the title to the angry looking schoolteacher who only sold symphony. (Laughs) Holy mackerel, that was my first cultural collision. Do you have, ‘Um, um, um um.’

She said, ‘Yes, I do, do, do.’ I’m not kidding you, [the record store] on Colorado Blvd. in little lonesome Pasadena. My parents told me, ‘You want that record, you go get it.’ That’s 2 miles in each direction I walked. Sitting over on my table here is the second record that I bought, the record, which is the second Beatles record. I had to pull the weeds for two full days on that one. I worked hard for it, that record isn’t going anywhere, and no, you can’t borrow it! (laughs).” Eddie Van Halen’s wife revealed a cancer scare a couple of days ago.