Kurt Cobain’s Daughter Shares Hot Pool Photos


Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s daughter Frances Bean Cobain has shared photos of herself at the pool in hot weather with her dog.

She wrote on Instagram, “Hot weather opens the skull of a city, exposing its white brain, and its heart of nerves, which sizzle like the wires inside a lightbulb. – Truman Capote.” You can view the photos below.

Frances Bean has appeared to break up with her rocker boyfriend Matthew Cook. She revealed the news in a new Independent interview.

Where does she feel that came from? “It probably has something to do with an early onset exposure to death, and being very accepting of that. I’m not fearful of that at all.”

I ask Frances how long did it take her to accept death? “I’ve always been accepting of death,” she says, matter of factly. “When I had animals when I was little I would get very sad, but I always understood that it [death] was a very natural part of life. And in a way I am sort of grateful for it because recently I had to put my dog down,” she explains. “My boyfriend… my ex-boyfriend…” she corrects herself, “he had a very emotional attachment to the dog. He took it a lot harder than I did, because I recognise that it was a natural thing, and he was suffering and holding on to his pain was selfish. And I recognised in my ex-boyfriend that he was having a harder time than I was, even though it wasn’t his dog. It was my dog!”

That wasn’t the reason you broke up? “No! No! No!”

The dog dies and I leave? I tease.

“No! No! No!” she laughs. “So I feel I have an awareness of that [death].”

Not many people would disagree with Saint Frances of Seattle.