Rush Singer Reveals If Neil Peart Was ‘Nervous Wreck’


We recently reported that the official Instagram of Rush frontman Geddy Lee leaked this Neil Peart coke photo. The photo revolved around the group’s first gig with Peart in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In a follow-up to that story. The Rush singer responded to a Rush superfan via Instagram who had a question on Peart’s nerves during this particular show.

Snorlaxigalaxy asked: “Was Neil [Peart] nervous at your first gig? To which Lee responded: “We all were.”

Geddy Lee was savagely disrespected by Rush fan at a restaurant recently. In other news revolving Geddy Lee and Rush, fans took to social media via the group’s subreddit to discuss what one song by the band they would listen to for the rest of their lives if they only had to listen to one. Fellow Reddit user Ryryafterdark kicked off the conversation by posting: “If you had to listen to only one Rush song for the rest of your life, what would it be? It’s extremely hard but I think I’d choose 2112, with La Villa/Xanadu being a close second. [However, the Camera Eye is] in my top five solos from him. Arguably the best album and that song is really only loved by true Rush fans because there are so many hits on that album. [Moving Pictures]

Rush singer Geddy Lee secretly hired this big name drummer. The same Reddit user had this to say when a fan brought up the suggestion of ‘Finding My Way’. The user put: “That was the first non-mainstream song I heard from Rush. I had my father’s vinyl collection and saw Working Man was on that album so I put it on… I was blown away and cranked my stereo to the max. That song is great for Geddy’s voice, “Oh yea finding my way” I have a lot of respect for Greta, for being their age and being able to compose and yes certain influences shine but so did most bands starting out. Rush was compared to Led when working man was released.