Van Halen Icon Reveals If He Will Admit He’s Dying


Van Halen frontman David Lee Roth recently discussed Chinese culture on The Roth Show, and he also said that if he was dying, he wouldn’t admit it until near the end. Alternative Nation transcribed his comments, where he also addressed auto-tune. There have been terrible rumors recently about Eddie Van Halen’s health, including a ‘treatment’ claim by a big name.

Roth: Folks ask me:

“Dave, when you go on stage, do yo auto-tune?”

Roth: I go:

“Are you kidding? I auto-tuned all seven of my front teeth!”

Eddie Van Halen was caught on video by a rude fan in a recently surfaced story. Roth continued:

Roth: We are all masters of deception here. I would rather admit that I’m dying if I feel like I’m dying. I won’t admit that until somewhere around the directors commentary of the last song. You got to solider through and that’s part of what is happening here with the Chinese.

I don’t know what they are thinking but just judging out by the news just given their own druthers there is a riot going on! Uh oh, no way you are dragging me back to where that team came from so nobody is gonna say shit. Every team has a code of silence. It doesn’t have to be Marlon Brando, Al Pacino and all the fellas with an Italian last name – it can be every police station in the world, it can be every ivy league fraternity and sorority. A Van Halen icon took a brutal shot at Michael Jackson a few days ago.