AC/DC Singer Reveals Stunning Mick Jagger Ripoff


AC/DC singer Brian Johnson interviews The Who frontman Roger Daltrey on his ‘Life on the Road’ television series, which premieres on American television this month in AXS TV, and they discussed ripping off The Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger. Alternative Nation transcribed his comments. A surprising name claimed AC/DC will tour in 2020 a couple of days ago.

Roger Daltrey: Watching people like Wilson Pickett and how they worked the stage, you kind of learned from them and I kinda thought: “I gotta develop something that is a little bit bigger.” See everything had felt like it had been done. Dave Berry had done the thing with the microphone lead and he did all that sexy stuff with the mic, and all that was kind of cool. I thought: “Well, I can’t do that, Mick Jagger was doing his dancing.” Mick Jagger was brutally hit at a recent concert.

Brian Johnson: Uh-uh.

Daltrey: You did a bit of the Mick Jagger for a while you know, we all copied them. But then you think, “Ah I can’t be that, he’s Mick Jagger – what do I do?” So one night I just threw the microphone, grabbed the lead and it came back! I thought – well that’s interesting!

An AC/DC icon revealed why Angus Young is a ‘recluse’ recently. AXS TV’s popular sit-down series The Big Interview with Dan Rather returns for the second-half of its seventh season, premiering Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 8pE/5pP. Guests include Brian Johnson (Oct. 1), Alice Cooper (Oct. 29), Bryan Cranston (Dec. 3), Bob Costas (Nov. 12), Bret Michaels (Oct. 22), David Byrne (Nov. 19) & more.