Aerosmith bassist Tom Hamilton recently sat down and spoke with Joe Curcaw of Bass Player Magazine. Hamilton recounted how he would improvise tunes alongside frontman Steven Tyler, which, in reality, was more than likely Hamilton copying melodies from a certain Beatles tune. Aerosmith reveal why Steven Tyler ‘replaced’ bandmate.
JB: A highlight moment of the live show was your bass solo during Sweet Emotion. it went into a middle eastern/Indian drone feel before kicking into the opening riff we all know and adore from hearing on terrestrial radio. A true example of band chemistry was displayed when Steven walked up to you and put his arm around your shoulders scatting verbatim the bass melody coming out of your fingers. Is this a pre-conceived part of the show, or do you just “go for it” each night with free form improvisation?
TH: I was probably playing the vocal melody from a Stones song called Two Thousand Man. Actually, now that I think of it, it was most likely the melody of a Beatles song called Within You Without You. I was fooling around with it before we went on one night and decided to play it before Sweet Emotion. I just kept the A string droning and played against it on the G string. Steven picked up on it and came over and we made a moment out of it. It wasn’t planned. He heard it and decided to join in, which was cool. That solo moment right before Sweet Emotion has always been kind of a daunting challenge for me, unless I have some germ of an idea to start with.
Steven Tyler makes a young woman cry in a photo. In other Aerosmith news, the 11th anniversary of the underrated video game Guitar Hero: Aerosmith recently passed, and it’s better late than never to take a look back! The game was made up solely with Aerosmith and bands that are close friends with them, including Stone Temple Pilots and Run D.M.C.
Eurogamer commented that one’s appreciation for the game “lives or dies based on [the player’s] fondness for Aerosmith”, and that ultimately, with other available music games that offer additional downloadable songs, a game that focuses on a single band would need “to offer gameplay innovations, spectacular fan service, or a lot more material” than what Guitar Hero: Aerosmith provides. You can read the full Tom Hamilton interview at Bass Player Magazine.