Brother Reveals Why Chris Cornell & Ex-Wife Were ‘Royal Couple’ Of 90’s Seattle: ‘I Was In Awe’


Chris Cornell’s brother Peter discusses Seattle’s ‘royal couple’ Chris Cornell and Susan Silver in a new Instagram comment.

“The Royal Couple. The emotion I conjure from my memory that punctuates those days….admiration. I admired them so. They weren’t pretentious, they had the humility of average folks who came from a middle class world. They worked so fucking hard. Both genuine. Both artists. They believed in themselves. In each other. In their art, music and business.

They are it and slept it and breathed it and I was partially in awe. Partially intimidated. Completely inspired. Their ethics, effort, charisma and the motor that drove them. It dragged me out of my drug addled nonsense of a being and placed me smack in the middle of arguably the greatest era of prolific, spontaneous, diverse and successful music making in the history of history. When I look back I am so grateful that I had a front row seat at the table of these two geniuses.

I had an all access pass that I wore on my face. I was guilty and privileged by association and I wipe the tears as I swallow hard on my heart to clear it from my throat. If we need to give Seattle of the 90’s a name and face, Chris and Susan. Admiration. We love you Susan. We miss you, so miss you Brother!”